The incoherent ramblings of a madman: blog
February 25, 2024
Happy New Year, all! I'm a bit late this year, but hey I've been busy. Just stopping in quickly
to make some updates, I'll probably be back now and then but the next major change probably won't come until
I apply for a new job and make this reflect myself a bit better. I need to find a way to hide my
rambling blog posts behind a password wall without necessarily doing userauth, ah who knows. Anyway,
changelog to follow.
--Removed "best websire award 5 years inna row" from index, you will be missed brave soldier
--Removed "worldawar.gif" from homepage, you will also be missed
February 17, 2023
Good morning. Well I might've accidentally lied about the new forum. It's all up and running technically,
but I need to get the outgoing email account set up for user confirmation and yandex won't give me good feedback to my
issue tickets, so for now the whole thing still isn't linked to anywhere, I'll post another update when
that's fixed. Probably.
In other news not much is going on. This hinge girl talked to me about music for like 2 days straight then unmatched.
Classes are going, they're not too hard but there's always a lot to do so my grades are fine, better than average maybe
but they're still not what I want them to be so the grind goes on I suppose. I'm moving down to the hardware
center at work soon. I'll still be at the call center as well for now, but starting next semester I'll
probably be the most senior non-full-time person down there, so that's something. Idk I'm just chilling
in a building between classes rn, just let the time go by for a while. It's that weird transitional time
of year when you kinda just have to let things happen. I reckon I'll yee ya around.
Let me know I'm still alive.
February 5, 2023
Forum is now live once again! You may see some updates and changes to the overall layout
and style in the coming days and weeks but for better or worse it does now exist. Go ahead
and find it with the updated link right up there at the top.
Later skaters
February 3, 2023
Alright so new year new me I guess, I kinda broke the forum a while back while trying
to clear out the spam that I allowed to build up, so we gonna start from scratch on that
one. Hopefully by Monday I'll have that up and running, I'm gonna use a different
system too because PunBB had terrible support I think it might even be defunct at this
point. Anyways I'm in Intro to Statistics rn, big fun I know. My man Ziwei is chill tho,
just sucks he teaches Statistics. Anyways thats all the updates I can think of or
care to deliver.
See ya, sucker
February 5, 2022
I would like to that that global warming, rather than being caused by mass deforestation and pollution, is caused by too many people
turning on their ovens. This is of course ridiculus, but it makes me smile to think about. Turn off your ovens people
Rockstar games has announced that they actually are working on a new Grand Theft Auto game which is pretty cool. Its been way too
long without any word on it but thats just how they are I guess. Still ahead of Bethesda so suck it Elder Scrolls fans...(JAM)
aw hell what else is going on ummmmmmmmmm. Its like 2 week old news but the president called a reporter a "stupid bastard". Thats pretty
cool honestly. I mean the president is just like a guy, a normal guy, why he gotta be so diplomatic all the time he should be calling
people stupid bastarts more often honestly. I'd have a lot more respect for the president if he did.
Yeah this one today is literally just the ramblings of a madman. I mean its the weekend man I'm trying to chill: you can't expect me to
have like good, intellectual thoughts on the weekend. Well I mean I guess you could expect that but like I got work and stuff so like,
just don't. I just watched this great video about the Linux PS2 kit. yeah. linux. on a playstation 2. WILD stuff.
mount /home/your/mom /home/ryanageyer
February 1st, 2022
This is the beginning of the blog. As of now it is 8:46 PM Central Standard Time. It is dark out and rain is coming
(according to microsoft weather anyways). Today the site goes real, becomes tangible, a probably infinite piece of data stretching
out among the vastness of space and time. Ah, who cares though, one day there probably wont be a single piece of data left, and
all will have been forgotten. Sorry to get all existentialist on you but I mean that's just the way things are. If you don't like it
or don't want to face your own certain demise, suck it up, say goodbye to religion, and live your life how you want to do it. I really mean that.
Got a movie you really like? Think the main character is a badass? They probably are. Be like them. Go do your thing. Live you life.
And if youre worried about hell and all that shit may I remind you: God is dead. I killed him. The only thing you have to fear
is the powergrab of the bourgeoisie. Have a great day.